What do I want to learn about?

It is hard to sometimes figure out what we truly want to learn about. We so often times have a hard time finding out what our passions are because we are never allowed to explore the options.

I think that something I really want to learn before I graduate is how to deal with discipline in the classroom. So much has changed since I was a child in school and there are so many regulations that we now have to follow I am not sure how to keep my class in order. I want to learn about this so that I can keep distracting students under control so that all of my students can benefit from what I teach.

This is so important to me to really understand different ways to have classroom management because I love helping my students and if I have a classroom that is constantly out of control then I won’t be able to do what I love to do and my students will be hindered by me not being informed. I want to know what experienced teachers have done in the past to manage their classrooms. How they have gotten their students motivated to learn.

I was thinking so hard about what I wanted my “freedom learning project” to be on and this is one topic that kept coming back into my mind over and over again. I think it has came back up because I have been constantly worried about how I am going to manage my classroom someday. I think sometimes parents can be just has hard to manage as the students can be. I want to learn how to deal with tough situations. I want to prepared to be the best teacher that I possible can be.

Now, many of people reading this post may think how can this be fun to learn about. Well, I think it will be fun to learn about different classroom management styles. I think that I can go through and find out what would fit best for my style and go from there. It will also be fun because I will feel at ease for my first year of teaching. I know that each class is different but I would still like to be prepared for anything.

Teaching is my passion. I love working with kids and see the “light bulb”come on in their mind when they understand something. I want to learn about different classroom management styles for my independent learning project. Learning should be fun, I think this topic will be fun and interesting!

6 thoughts on “What do I want to learn about?

  1. Being able to have a solid foundation and knowledge of classroom management and discipline your first year will be extremely important! By researching those areas, your going to have all sorts of different tips and information that you might not have ever learned in the classroom setting. We your thinking about classroom discipline, try to think about how you would deal with all sorts of different children, not just the ones that give you trouble.


  2. This is something that is handy to every teacher! There are many ways to manage a classroom and I can’t wait to see the one’s that you find. It’s interesting how you think others may not think of it as interesting, but I think it is and handy for you in your future. Especially when you find one that will work best for you.

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  3. This is one of the different independent learning projects I have read about, but nonetheless great. I too fear having an out of control class and not how to deal with them. Its awesome that you are going out and learning from other teachers as well to how they manage their classroom.


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